Monday, January 19, 2009

SMOCKING :---Smocking is easy to do when you have mastered the simple stitches like outline stitch, back stitch together with a kind of whipped stitch. These are combined with fullness introduce by gathers set before the smocking is began or by following pattern darts.
These are two methods of smocking, english smocking for which the material is gathered in pleats first and regular smocking in which the gathers are made as the pattern is followed . The best fabric to use for smocking is one with a firm and even weave. Cotton, Poplin, Gingham, Sheer materials like Nylon, Chiffon etc... Patterned fabric such as checked and striped materials provide their own guide line. The design can be done in a single colour or even four colours as the pattern recomnends. for every inch of finished smocking about 2 1/2" of fabric is required.
WORKING METHOD:--- Rows of dots are marked on the back of the fabric 1/4" apart.Then each row of dots is gathered on the wrong side forming uniform pleated folds . the smocking is then started at left hand edge and worked to right. Pick up the top of the each pleat , following instructions for the desired smocking design. Gathering threads are removed after smocking.
The following are the basic smocking stitching used. 1. out line smocking ,2. cable smocking. 3. chevron smocking. 4. chain smocking ,5. feather smocking ,6. herring bone smocking ,7. honey comb smocking. 8. smocking lattice.

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