Saturday, January 24, 2009

TATTING - 29 . LACE NO - 2

LACE NO - 2 :----Tie ball and shuttle threads tog. (ring of 8 ds 1p 8ds cl. )

3 times. * R .W. ch of 5 ds 3 p sep by 5 ds ,5 ds . R. W. ring of 8 ds join

to the p of the pre ring 8ds cl. ( ring of 8 ds 1p 8ds cl. ) twice. R. W. rep

from * for the required length of the lace and finish the lace ending with

3 rings. Tie neatly and cut the ends.


  1. I like all of your postings. The designs are great and they look awsome. Keep posting your art. Good luck!

    Madhavi Barla
