Monday, February 9, 2009









Start with 5 chains .

FIRST ROW :---15 DBLTR into 5 chain from hook SS into 5 th chain .

SECOND ROW :---4 ch living the last loop of each on hook work 2 DBLTR

into same place . As SS thread over and draw through all loop on hook ( 2

DBLTR cluster made ) 4 ch 3 DBLTR into next DBLTR REP from * 4 ch

ending with 4 chains one SS into first cluster .

THIRD ROW :--- SS into centre of first loop one DC into same loop * 4

ch one DC into next loop REP from * ending with 2 ch one HLFTR into

first DC .

FOURTH ROW :---One DC into loop just from * 5ch one DC into next

loop REP from * ending with 3 ch one TR into first DC .

FIFTH ROW :--One DC into loop just from * one ch into next DC work 2

TR one ch and 2 TR one ch one DC into next loop REP from * omitting

one DC at end of last REP one SS into first DC.

SIXTH ROW:--3 ch into same place as SS work one TR one ch and 2 TR *

one ch miss 2 TR one DC into next SP. one ch into next DC work 2 TR

one ch and 2 TR REP *omitting 2 TR one ch and 2 TR , at end of last

repeat one SS into third of 3 ch .

SEVENTH ROW :---One SS into next TR * one DC into next SP . 3 ch one TR

into next DC 3 ch miss 2 TR REP from * ending with one SS into first

DC .

EIGTH ROW :--One SS into next ch one DC into same SP * 4 chone DC

into next SP rep from * ending with 4 ch one SS into first DC .

NINTH ROW :--One SS into each of first 2 ch one DC into same loop . * 5

ch one DC into next loop . REP from * ending with 2 ch one TR into first

DC .

TENTH ROW :---One DC into loop just from * 5 ch one DC into next loop

REP from * ending with 2 ch one TR into first DC.

ELEVENTH ROW :----One DC into loop just from * 4 ch , 4 DBLTR

cluster into next DC 4 ch one DC into next loop REP from * omitting 4

ch and one DC at end of last REP one ch one TR into first DC .

TWELTH ROW :---One DC into loop just from * 3 ch one DC into next

loop REP from * ending with 3 ch one SS into first DC .

THIRTEENTH ROW :-- One SS into next DC one DC into same loop * 4 ch

one DC into next loop REP from * ending with 4 ch one SS into first

DC .

14 th and 15 th ROW :---as thirteenth row .

16 th ROW :--One SS into next DC one DC into same loop * 5 ch one DC

into next loop REP from * ending with 2 ch one TR into first DC .

17 th ROW :--One DC into loop just from * 5 ch one DC into next loop

REP from * ending with 2 ch one TR into first DC .

18 th to 23 rd ROW :---as 17 th row .

24 th ROW :--as fifth row .

25 th ROW:---as 6 th row .

26 th ROW :--One SS into next TR * one DC into next SP. one ch into next

DC 2 TR one ch miss 2 TR REP from * ending with one SS into first DC .

27 th ROW :---as 6 th row .

28 th ROW :---One SS into next TR one DC into next SP * 6 ch miss 4

TR one DC into next SP REP from * ending with 3 ch one TR into

first DC .

29 th ROW :-- as 5 th row .

30 th ROW :---as 6 th row .

31 th ROW :---as 26 th row fasten off .

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