Tuesday, February 10, 2009


STOCKING :---Cost on 44 STS . 16 on each of first and second

needles and 12 on third needle . work 2 " in round rib of ( k 2 p 2 ) .

In the next round k 10 INC once . In next st k 21 INC once next st k 11 .

( 46 STS ) work 3 1/2 " INS in plain knitting to commence heal k 11 slip

last 11 STS of round on to two needles and live for instep . work 17

rows on heal STS in alternate rows of purl and plain ( always slipping )

first and knitting last ST . In every row to turn heal k 12 k 2 TOG turn .

p 3 , p2 TOG . turn k 4 , k2 TOG turn . p 5 p 2 TOG turn . k 6 k2 TOG

turn . Continue in this manner until all STS are worked on to one needle

again . knit back 6 STS ( this completing heal ) slip all instep STS on to

one needle again . Using spare needle knit remaining 6 STS of heal and

knit up 12 STS at side heal with second needle knit across 24 instep

STS with third needle . knitb up 12 STS at side of heal and other 6 heal

STS shape instep as follows .

FIRST ROUND :--- knit .

SECOND ROUND :---K to last three STS of first needle k 2 TOG k 1 knit

second needle plain on third needle k1 , k 2 TOG TBL k to end of needle .

REP these two rounds until 10 STS remain . on each of first and third

needle work 2 1/2 " in plain knitting . length of foot may be at this point .

Slip first ST of second needle on to end of first and last ST of second needle

on to be BEG of third needle shape toe as follows .

FIRST ROUND :---knit to last three STS of first needle k 2 TOG k1

on second needle k1 k 2 TOG TBL knit to last three STS k 2 TOG k 1

on third needle k 1 k2 TOG TBL knit to end of needle knit two rounds

plain REP these three rounds until 24 STS remain in round . knit STS

of first needle on to end of third needle cost off STS from two needles

TOG . work another socks in same mannar with dam cloth and hot iron

press carefully .