Tuesday, February 10, 2009


MEASURMENTS :---To fit 38" ; length = 27 "

BACK :---no =10 needles used for cost on 132 STS work 21 rows in

K 1 P 1 RIB INC ONE ST at any end of last row ( now 1 3 3 STS )

change to no -8 needles back proceed as follows .

first row :----k 1 * k B 1 p 2 k 8 p 2 REP from * to last 2 STS k B 1 p 1 .

second row :---p 1 * p B 1 K 2 P 8 K 2 REP from * to last 2 STS p B 1 k 1 .

3 rd to 6 th rows :-- REP from 1 st and second rows twice more .

7 th row :---k 1 * k B 1 p 2 c4 F p 2 REP from * to last 2 STS k B 1 k 1 .

8 th and 9 th rows :---REP 2 nd and 1 st rows .

10 th row :---p 1 8 p B 1 k 2 p 8 k 2 REP from * to last 2 STS p B 1 p 1 .

these 10 rows from the PATT . Continue in PATT until work measure 17 1/2 " from

the BEG .

SHAPE ARMHOLE :---By costing 7 STS at BEG next 2 rows then DEC 1 ST

at both ends of next and every alternate row until 105 STS remain continue

on this STS until work measure 9 1/2" from BEG of armhole shaping .

SHAPE SHOLDER AS FOLLOWS :--- 1 st and 2 nd rows cost off PATT to end .

3 rd to 6 th rows :-cost off 12 STS PATT to end . cost off remaining STS .

FRONT :---Proceed as back until work measure 15 1/2 " from BEG . Finishing

with wrong side facing for next row . PATT 66 STS cost off PATT to end

proceed on first group of STS as follows . DEC 1 st at neck edge on 3 rd row

following and every 4 th row until work measure the same row same as back

to cost off row at armhole shaping still on DEC on 1 st at armhole edge on

every alternate row 7 times continue DEC 17 times . Continue DEC at neck

edge only every 4 th row as before until 35 STS remain . continue on this

STS until work measure same as back to shoulder shaping finishing at

armhole edge.


end .

2 nd and 4 th rows :---work all across .

3 rd row :---cost off 12 STS . Re join wool to remaining group of STS to half

STS and complete to match first off reversing shapings .

NECK BAND :--Using a fine back stitch seam join shoulders and and front

and back with right side facing . using set of no - 11 needles knitt up 190

STS round neck . Including first knitted up through back of loop are cost

off . DEC 1 st at each side of knitt up at centre front cost off in neck rib.

ARMHOLE :---using no .11 needles with a rightside facing knitt up 150 STS

round armhole work in k 1 p 1 RIB for 1 " cost off in RIB.

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