Thursday, July 16, 2009

FRENCH SEAM :---This is a ridged seam and is used on

transparent light weight fabrics especially on baby clothes and

delicate blouses . It is a neat durable finish as the raw edges are

completely enclosed . However it is time consuming and too bulky

when used on thick material . Do not use this on curves such as

armholes and yokes . The two pieces of material to be joined or

placed together with wrong sides facing work a row of stitching

1/8" out side .the seam line towards the raw edges . After stitching

trim the seam allowances to less than 1/8 " .Press the seam and

turn the work so that the right sides are together . Crease the first row

of the stitching , so that it is directly on the edge .Pin or tack and

stitch along the seam line about 1/8 " from the fold . In this seam

care should be taken to see that there are no ravels visible on the

right side .

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